Monday, March 2, 2009

The Effective Leader

We recognize a word or phrase that we hear every so often, even the noise of the crowd community including street, the sentence is "Boss".

According to the Oxford Dictionary Concies boss or lead means "dominate or control others” expression is not appropriate, although in the narrow meaning of the sentence like that can easily be understood.

Trends and feel as the ruler will usually arise when we or a boss in a state of depression, and problem by both internal and external.

Effect of control, lead, and the like are understood by the general public and even among the less educated fathom the real meaning of leadership.

Then appears the term "COGAL" This sentence can easily be understood as the creator of growth and learning as Cogal is a short term from the English language: Creators of Growth and Learning, growth and learning for themselves and those under their responsibility. The results will be visible on the optimal labor leaders and the people they lead.

Ruppert Eales-White
PT. Elex Media Gramedia Jakarta Computer)

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