Saturday, November 28, 2009

The rites of Hajj

Millions of Muslims from around the world have gathered in the Saudi city of Mecca in anticipation of the start of Hajj - the annual Muslim pilgrimage that re-enacts the actions of the Prophet Muhammad 1,377 years ago.

Taking part in the pilgrimage at least once in one's lifetime is a major obligation for all able-bodied Muslims of financial means, and between two and three million people participate in the six-day ritual every year.

Hajj occurs in the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar, called Dhul-Hijjah, between the eighth and the 13th days of the month.

While the specific rituals carried out by Muslims today date back to the Prophet Muhammad's "farewell pilgrimage" in 632 AD, travelling to Mecca was a sacred annual rite for Arabian tribes centuries before the advent of Islam.

According to Islamic tradition, the Kaaba - a black silk-clad stone structure at the heart of the Grand Mosque in Mecca - was built by the Prophet Abraham in biblical times. Hajj is meant to be a commemoration of the trials Abraham was put through by God.

The rites of Hajj
By Omar Chatriwala in Mecca
al jaziera asia

Friday, November 27, 2009

Corrupt Leader

The Leader was hopeness the followers, in the shoulder and his handback there is a heavy burden to bring the situation to be better. Due to heavy duty, not surprisingly, if a leader is selected and taken from the best, best from the others.

So that is how the problem happens when that time runs in a leader changed course and views to be misguided. Will there is still hope to survive as a permanent leader?

Natural selection to prove that such leaders will be killed prematurely, forcing the authority of any tooth and will also fall in front of people with all shame.

The Fakeness

Is the preferred foolery in the lead, education S-1, S-2 S-3 even though the style will work with the misguided "falsity" is. Falsity is that leadership is not based on sincerity and togetherness, as they feel as a leader, a lot of fun with the leaders lost no time to see the suffering that has been subordinate to render a building business and their needs.

This omission continues due to negligence as the owner and ruler, lied by abundant wealth, luxury car, luxury homes, bank accounts abundant, beautiful wife and a woman who was ready to call.

To support the needs of all came the other must have the "falsity" can reinforce (in spite of all), the position. With any reasons “there is no the other ways”, or forced.


History has taught and prove how much the story of destruction because of blindness and falsity in the lead, but the basic human heart and soul is weak, it is continually repeated and repeated generation after generation.

Then when people use the weapon "aji-mumpung" again regardless of the price-up and reputation?

Are there any hope in this time and have a generation of leaders willing to work for the welfare of the people and followers, is there any still a leader who is able to make his power as a field of worship and welfare? ....

our heart that is able to answer, because happiness is but if we can be grateful and enjoy what we have achieve and we have gained, ... ..
Not from what we force the form of falsity, sex-lust of power, neither the property ... ....


Monday, March 2, 2009

Formulation of effective leaders

Leadership role
The effective Leader thinks about the role of leadership and to plan their strategy in the same way when they do all the other important things.

Awareness and self confidence
Leaders who do not effectively control excessive display, this arises because of the need to feel or want to control. Leaders need to think positively about themselves before they think positively about the people they lead.

Leaders listener
Effective leaders are good listeners, provide support at both the logical and emotional level and provide feedback to encourage their listeners and allow the listener to expand.
In other words would like to hear feedback, complaints, suggestions and creativity and innovation subordinate an opportunity to try and develop their ability.

A good example in providing input on the subordinate not to teach, advices, or even the carpet, better than it is to provide leaders with a question can give feedback and corrections are also learned for the subordinates, the subordinate to find answers to questions after the leaders of subordinate realize then that he was the leader gave him a lesson indirectly.

Ruppert Eales-White
PT. Elex Media Gramedia Jakarta Computer)

The Effective Leader

We recognize a word or phrase that we hear every so often, even the noise of the crowd community including street, the sentence is "Boss".

According to the Oxford Dictionary Concies boss or lead means "dominate or control others” expression is not appropriate, although in the narrow meaning of the sentence like that can easily be understood.

Trends and feel as the ruler will usually arise when we or a boss in a state of depression, and problem by both internal and external.

Effect of control, lead, and the like are understood by the general public and even among the less educated fathom the real meaning of leadership.

Then appears the term "COGAL" This sentence can easily be understood as the creator of growth and learning as Cogal is a short term from the English language: Creators of Growth and Learning, growth and learning for themselves and those under their responsibility. The results will be visible on the optimal labor leaders and the people they lead.

Ruppert Eales-White
PT. Elex Media Gramedia Jakarta Computer)